Welcome to MI English II - spring 2019

Dear Students,
Welcome to the course. Please check this blog before class for news, updates, and homework assignments.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin


MI English II
April 2019

Instructor: Chris Elvin (chriselvin@gmail.com)

Course Description

The goal of this course is to improve your English listening comprehension.

Class Blog

You should check the blog before coming to class. There may be prints to download, or last minute notices.


Course Assessment

20% Attendance and participation
30% Homework portfolio
20% Student prepared listening activity
20% Final listening test
10% Final vocabulary test

Attendance and participation 20 points: You are expected to attend ALL classes. Each absence will be penalized by a deduction of 3% from your final grade. If you are late, you will be penalized by a deduction of 1% from your final grade. If you are very late, you will be considered absent. 

Homework portfolio 30 points: You are required to keep a record of listening activities that you do outside class. These activities should take up 10 to 15 hours of your time in total. Your portfolio should include notes, summaries, vocabulary items, and personal comments, and you should hand this in to your teacher during the final class of the trimester.

Student prepared listening activity 20 points: Your group should prepare a thirty-minute listening activity. Each student in the group will be given the same score.

Final listening test 20 points: This test will be similar to the listening activites that you do every week.

Vocabulary test 10 points: You should upload one interesting word that you learned in class to the database, and do this once per week. The final test will be a matching pair random quiz based on everyone's uploaded words.

Vocabulary Upload Form



A: 90 or more points in total.

B: 80 or more points in total.

C: 70 or more points in total.

D: 60 or more points in total.

Good luck!
Chris Elvin

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